Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Just Words

President Donald Trump sounds like an old high school football coach searching for his glory days.

The United States will "win again," he promises. But what does that really mean?

Like much of The President's first speech to a joint session of Congress last night, he seemed to say the right things.

But when you dig a little deeper, you realize there's nothing there. Let's be real, when has what Trump said meant diddly?

When has his words measured up to the truth of his actions? In fact, most of the promises the President made Tuesday night, he was already breaking.

Smoke and mirrors baby. Smoke and mirrors. With a discount special of snakeoil. Buy one. Get another free.

One fact checker had the President lying some 50 times in the speech.

Perhaps, the most absurd thing he said was that we need to promote clean air and water for the future -- this on the very day he rolled back President Barack Obama's clean water rules.

The list goes on.

As Bernie Sanders pointed out, it's what Trump didn't say that's just as important as the misleading things he did.

What are his plans for social security, Medicaid and Medicare? Why didn't he offer a peep about climate change?

No matter how even-toned his delivery or appealing his rhetoric, nothing Trump says will negate the chaos he's already created and the damage already done in his first turbulent month as President.


  1. Why would anyone trust a thing he says, is right.

  2. Reminded me of Bush. Remember how he used to talk about "emerging victorious" in Iraq's unwinnable civil war?

  3. The guy lies like all the time. How can we believe anything he says?
