Thursday, July 26, 2018

"Witch Hunt" is Right

Talk about a "witch hunt."

It wasn't just one or two Republicans.
But 11 House Conservative lawmakers who just distinguished themselves as enemies of the state.

The group of House Republicans, led by North Carolina Representative Mark Meadows, Freedom Caucus head, filed articles of impeachment against Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstien Wednesday.

Rosenstien is the key justice department official overseeing Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russia's interference in our 2016 presidential elections and possible collusion with the Donald Trump campaign. 

Trump's loyalist critics on the House oversight committee have been attacking the Mueller probe for months, contocting absurd claims of "lack of transparency" and questioning Mueller and the justice department's motives.

While Meadows' call for Rosenstien's impeachment appears to lack any broad support, it's still a pathetic state of affairs in light of Mueller's 32 indictments so far and the exhaustive known connections between the Trump administration and Russia.

By defending a President who treasonously fails to defend the United State's democratic sovereignty before a conniving Russian dictator, Meadows and company have clearly aligned themselves with America's adversaries.

And history will remember them that way.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Keep It On Ice

The National Football League should ice its player protest policy for good. 

The NFL recently froze it's new policy to fine NFL players who protest racial injustice by kneeling or sitting during the National Anthem, as the league continues to negotiate with the players.

Of course, it didn't take long for President Donald Trump, who arguably influenced the NFL's penalty platform, to absurdly tweet out his disapproval under the guise of patriotism.

And this from the guy who just sold out his country to a Russian dictactor in Helsinki. 

But this is still America, "the land of the free" and the "home of the brave."

And those brave enough to poignantly excercise their First Amendment freedoms, our flag represents and our war heroes died defending,
shouldn't be penalized.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Traitor Trump

There's no more wiggle room for doubt now.


President Donald Trump is the authentic enemy of the American people.

Our alleged President in Helsinki just flatly sold out our "truth, justice and the American way" -- by embracing state enemy Russian dictator Vladimir Putin while dissing the entire U.S. intelligence community.

We just witnessed two cold, calculating, sinister minds -- well-practiced in the art of deception --performing the greatest illusion of Trump's presidency on a world stage. 

 "I don't see any reason why it would be the Russians," said the President, denying our intelligence community's findings that Moscow conducted a high-financed, multi-faceted, high tech manipulation of the 2016 elections for Trump.

Regardless of whether you bought the Trump snakeoil in the past, as an American you must decide if you are a true patriot who loves his or her country -- on the side of democracy and righteous justice.

And if you are a patriot, you must see Trump as the unequivocal enemy. And it's time we made sure our purportedly patriotic Republican representatives, abetting Trump for so long, do the same.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Let's Exercise Those Freedoms

So, this Independance Day feels different.

And it should.

True patriots won't be able to wave our flags and gaze dreamily at fireworks displays tonight without seriously considering how the treasured freedoms we celebrate today feel like they are slowly slipping away.

Never in America's 242-year history have our democratic ideals and Godly values faced such a genuine, visceral threat than now -- amidst Donald Trump's all encompassing, facist chaos.

I feel ambivalent. I want to embrace our liberties, but am hesitant to lap up the grand show, knowing such theatrics are so easily and effectively hijacked by the presidential imposter to placate the masses.

But today also can, and must be, a reaffirming time. A time to deepen our resolve against the destructive intentions of the enemy in the White House and his schophants in Congress.

If we want to hold onto our First Amendment freedoms -- free speech, freedom to protest, freedom of the press and so much more -- we, of course, must be prepared to defend them in whatever capacity is necessary.

As they say, freedom isn't free. Foremost,  pray and believe that good will prevail, that we as United States' citizens will find our better selves.

And then we must act, by speaking out, showing up, voting and letting our alleged representatives know unequivocally that it's time we started acting like citizens of the country we've long cracked it up to be.