Saturday, April 14, 2018

Suddenly Summer

A light scent of salty sea air and a bright, warm sun greets me with a smile as I open the front door.

The exuberant cries of the seagulls returning to the nearby Sound echoe across the sky.

A wasp lands on the wooden rake handle outside my door. Some minutes later, a bumble bee buzzes by.

Soon a small white butterfly floating haphazardly, delightfully passes my door. Songbirds sing simultaneously their unique songs from the trees surrounding the cottage.

Suddenly, it's Summer.

I've awoken to find that somehow I've been plucked from the last cool vestigages of winter and dropped every so gently into a mid summer's day.

It feels like late June.

Suddenly, nature is alive. It's as if the seagulls, bees and butterflies, absent for months, have been patiently waiting, holed up somewhere, like a group of dancers waiting in the wings for their cue to dramatically take the stage to delight.

Or do these creatures just miraculously appear with the welcome warmth of the summer sun?

Suddenly it's summer.

The violet clematis plant by the door, I notice is healthy and green with buds forming. Why didn't I notice it before?

Soon, the lightening bugs, dragon flies and the hummingbirds will appear, joyously winking and nodding to eachother enthralled to be alive.

Key word -- "Act"

Is this all an act?

U.S. bombing Syria, once again, is largely ineffective in terms of disabling Assad's chemical weapons capacity -- despite the President's grand words.

Meantime, Russian President Vladimir Putin decries the U.S. bombing as an "act of aggression."

What better way to delegitimize the overwhelming evidence of Trump-Russia collusion?