Thursday, January 30, 2020

Daddy Of All Boardwalk Hustles

So, how did I end up at the daddy of all boardwalk hustles in a boarded up boardwalk town in the dead of winter?

No, I hadn't drunk the snake oil or been reprogrammed by watching too much Fox News. For the record, I don't watch Fox News, period.

I arrived outside the Wildwood Convention Center just as the impunity-emboldened, impeached President took the stage to a sudden amusement park, roller coaster roar from thousands of adoring fans.

I came to join local protesters a block or so from the convention center. But, the protesters, a police officer munching on a sausage sandwich tells me, had packed up and gone already.

So, here I am amidst a sea of thousands of exhuberent Trump supporters in the parking lot outside the convention center watching their cult leader up on the jumbotron TV.

"While we are creating jobs and killing terrorists, congressional Democrats are obsessed with demented hoaxes, crazy witch hunts.." decries Trump to loud cheers. "Which is worse? The impeachment hoax or the witch hunt from Russia?"

The crowds, inside and outside the convention center, roar again.

No evident damage caused by recent revelations from former National Security Advisor John Bolton's pending book that nails Trump on the Ukranian quid pro quo -- which led to the President's impeachment. 

And, certainly that's no surprise. 

Why should further unsettling truths about the President's brazen behavior -- relentlessly threatening the Democratic integrity and national security of the American Republic - put a damper on a rollicking "Reality TV" good time?

Predictably, Trump widely overestimates the crowd outside the center as "10's of thousands of people," prompting a cheer from his fans surrounding me.

Another bogus claim. I know. I'm there. The crowd's large, maybe a few thousand. Another few thousand reportedly are watching a second jumbotron at nearby Fox Park. But there's not at least 20,000, outside as the President suggests.

I'm reminded that the truth never matters at a Trump rally. Hey, it never matters in his tweets. It never matters during his rushed interactions with press pool reporters, shouting questions as he heads for the Air Force One helicopter. 

Why should it matter at his maniacal rallies?

In fact, I'm convinced for Trump lovers, Trump's "Keep America Great" rallies are just a chance to delude themselves that everything -- border security, jobs numbers and the economy is "great." 

Never mind an estimated 40 million Americans are living in poverty, largely due to wage inequality. And the income gap between the richest and the poor continues to widen.

Experiencing the unsettling, unbridled fanaticism of a Trump rally in person for the first time, it's more clear to me than ever, that his rallies are an alluring invitation to literally escape reality, be exhaustively entertained, to bash those hated Democrats, frown on "fake news" and target anything that threatens to burst your bubble, baby.

Donald Trump is Trumpers' collective pipe dream come true. They can attack anything or anyone they want. They can profess hate, sneer at justice and disparage the less fortunate. Trump gives them that permission. 

And that's an extremely dangerous state of affairs for the sovereignty of America.

Rabid Trump believers, in essence, have become everything crude, cruel and demeaning that Trump represents. 

Dr. Evil of Austin Power's fame had his cloned Mini Me; Trump has his millions of loyal, apologist Mini Trumps.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Jeffries' Description of Trump's "Perfect" Call was Perfect

The American people couldn't ask the Democratic House Managers in President Donald Trump's Senate impeachment trial to present a more thorough, expert case of Trump's abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.

In particular, yesterday House Managers Adam Schiff,  Hakeem Jeffries and Val Demings employed a combination of written testimony and video footage to nail the President on his clear abuse of power and obstruction.

All Americans have a duty to pay attention to these hearings and not just see what they want to see or hear what they want to hear. There's so much to Trump's misdeeds and such power in watching the Democrats lay out the pure and simple truth of it all.

Jeffries wrapped up his time last evening inummerating all the ways in which Trump's July 25, Ukraine call wasn't "perfect."

"This was not a #perfect call," Jeffries summed up. "It is direct evidence that President Donald John Trump corruptly abused his power and soliticed foreign interference in the 2020 election."

Schiff wrapped asking the senators and viewers to remember the bravery of the numerous witnesses in the House Judiciary and Intelligence committees -- many Republican/Trump appointees, who rebuffed White House pressure to not testify and showed up to defend their own record and their country.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Republicans Have Sold Their Souls To Protect A Tyrant

Our Founding Fathers clearly imagined a United States President abusing his power and so provided for impeachment; what the Founders didn't foresee was an entire political party of Congress members abandoning their oath of office and selling their soul to protect a lawless, autocratic cult leader.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020


An impeached, morally bereft, brazen, impulsive thin-skin narcissist, exhaustively more consumed with shielding his own fragile ego than he is protecting Americans, has no business calling the shots on military strikes that could lead to a nuclear war.




Thursday, January 2, 2020

Stand Up For Jesus; Twilight Zones Forbode

My hope and prayer this first day of the new year and new decade 2020 is that America finds a renewed sense of love and compassion. My fellow Christians, instrumental in electing Trump -- a not-so-cleverly-concealed wolf in sheep's clothing -- let's wake up, shake off the deception, get honest and defend truth and justice for all as Jesus Christ did.

My Fellow Christians, it's time to stand up for Jesus.


As The Twilight Zone marathon airs on Sci-Fi Channel as I write this New Year's Day 2020, I'm reminded of the many ways, through myriad episodes, the masterful Rod Serling's work speaks prophetically to Americans today.

Case in point, "The monsters are on Maple Street":

"..You're all set to crucify somebody. You're set to find some kind of a scapegoat. You're all desperate to point some kind of a finger at a neighbor.

"Well believe me friends the only thing that's going to happen is that we're going to eat each other up alive."

Others include: "It's Good Life," "People Are Alike All Over," "The Masks."
