Friday, September 14, 2018

Trump's Inside Man

The one overriding concern with Brett Kavanaugh up for a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court is that he’s President Donald Trump’s preferred inside man.
If Kavanaugh is confirmed, the fix will be in. 
There’s a reason dark-money propagating
Conservative entities like The Federalist Society and The Heritage Foundation, have promoted Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court.
And there’s a reason Trump, abetted by his mystifyingly loyal congressional Republicans, has been trying to pile drive through Kavanaugh for confirmation.
Aside from advocating for all the often corrupt Conservative policy agenda perks -- like deregulation, that compromises our waters, air and economic stability -- Kavanaugh theorhetically could save Trump's hide from criminal prosecution.
Kavanaugh is on the record clearly favoring presidential powers that protect a sitting president from court subpeonas and indictment. 

And during the heated bi-partisan Senate Judicial Committee hearings two weeks ago, Kavanaugh repeatedly refused to say if he would recuse himself as a Supreme Court Judge if Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Trump-Russia probe findings came before the Supreme Court -- which they very well could.

What's to stop Trump's favored man, Kavanaugh, from smothering any serious legal repricussions for Trump?
Then we'd be stuck with a President surrounded by an endless swirl of controversy befitting a mob boss.
And that right there is all any truly patriotic American should need to know when considering whether Kavanaugh should be confirmed.

Now, that Trump's former campaign manager Paul Manafort pleaded guilty to two conspiracy charges Friday and agreed to cooperate with Mueller, the stakes are even higher.
The Kavanaugh hearings never should have been held to begin with.
Not when Republicans released only 10 percent of the judge's records, documenting a career that harkens back to the tumultuous years of the George W. Bush administration.

Obviously, "our" President, arguably the most inciting, divisive, hateful and dishonest commander-in-chief in the United State’s 242-year history, will stop at nothing to prolong the destructive nightmare of his unprecedentedly corrupt presidency.
That’s why any American citizen who loves his or her country and values its democratic freedoms should make their voices heard now on the eve of Kavanaugh’s potential confirmation.

But perhaps justice will be served in the Kavanaugh case, as California professor Christine Blasley Ford has come forward with sexual assault allegations dating back to the Judge's high school years in the 1980's. 

Thursday's scheduled judiciary committee vote has been delayed until after both Kavanaugh and Ford publicly testify under oath before the committee this Monday. 

If Republican senators on the committee still seem poised to confirm Kavanaugh after Monday, (there is some real doubt now) Americans should call the senators directly and urge them to vote "no."

If the senate judiciary committee still happens to approve Kavanaugh after Monday's hearing, the nomination goes to the full senate where a simple majority vote could approve Kavanaugh.

In that case, Susan Collins of Main (phone: 207-622-8414) and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska (phone: 907-271-3735), at this point, are the two Republican Senators most likely to buck oppressive convention and vote against confirming Kavanaugh.
In that scenario, call Collins and Murkowski and urge them to vote “No” on Kavanaugh.
It would be the patriotic thing to do.

(This post was clarified and updated since original Sept. 14 posting)

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Trump Legacy Hinges on Kavanaugh Hearings

The Kavanaugh hearings will be marked in history, on level with the Watergate hearings and may be the vehicle that causes many Trump lovers to finally question their misbegotten blind allegiance to the deciever in the White House.