Thursday, December 18, 2014

A Joke, Right? Jeb Bush For President?

Yikes. The idea that another Bush is even remotely toying with running for president, while "W's" unprecedentedly disastrous and damaging eight years in the White House are still so painfully evident, is enough to make the skin crawl. I mean even Republicans wouldn't tolerate such insanity. Right? Right?

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Is Obama's Time Finally Here?

The past six years of banging his head against the Republican stone wall may almost seem worth it now for President Obama, in wake of his announcement tonight to take landmark executive action on immigration, defying Republicans' empty threats.

Just to see the right's panicked response, the erratic mixed threats from the career obstructionists, makes the President's move feel worthwhile.

But there's so much more to it, this highly-justified move. A long overdue, important step forward in addressing the failing immigration system. It's called progress.

As benefactors of the president's action step into the national spotlight, we'll see the human face of the nation's immigration issues finally come into focus. And typical alarmist conservative talking points -- that cry "unconstitutional", "illegal" and "anarchy" with threats of "impeachment" and "government shut down" -- should only further expose the self-absorbed Republican leadership as desperate, crybaby frauds.

Friday, January 17, 2014

NSA Spying

Will President Obama follow through with his promise to reign in the NSA's domestic spying? We'll see -- or not. But at least he has made the gesture. That's something his predecessor, "The Decider," never would have done.