Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Obama Win Renews Hope

It's over. And it's just beginning. Barack Obama's victory last night for a second term as our President scores a decisive blow in defense of truth and justice -- and against the dark forces that tried so desperately to rip them from us.

 We dodged a bullet. Now, the hard work begins. The past four years, has laid the groundwork for what could be four years of real change. You want to believe, like the President said in his victory speech, "the best is yet to come."

 So much to address. So much potential for real positive good. What lies ahead? That largely depends on the people. The same folks who saw through the right's deceptive fog and sleight of hand -- and voted Obama back in the White House --  have to stay alert.

 There's been a lot of talk about reaching across the aisle. We'll see. House Republicans kept their majority. It's going to be up to the people to continue doing the same things they've done the past several months -- to ensure Obama's second term.

 We can't afford to fall asleep after election day, thinking our work is done. Through phone calls, emails and even physical protests, we have to make sure our voices continue to be heard.