Wednesday, March 31, 2021

The #TrumpVirus

Let's set the record straight. 

Clearly, once then President Donald Trump ignored, downplayed and mocked Democrats' mounting concern of the Covid-19 for some six weeks, calling it a "hoax," while death incubated in America, the lethal contagion in the United States -- which now has killed nearly 550,000 citizens -- mutated undeniably, irrevocably into the #TrumpVirus.

Period. Trump, emboldened by his political lackie co-conspirators facilitated this death march across the homeland.

Not China. Not WHO. Not Dr. Fauci. And not the Democrats. Once the "invisible enemy," as Trump initially liked to label it even though he saw it coming, encroached on American shores and Trump knew it, but decided to blow it off, it became The Donald's baby.

He was the guy allegedly in charge. 

The CNN special report "COVID WAR – The Pandemic Doctors Speak Out," which points out Trump's glaring failures after the initial March 2020 shutdown, in my view, doesn't spend enough time focusing on the deceiver-in-chief's inexcusable failures to act early on. 

The special gives only passing reference to Trump's arguably criminal negligence from late January to mid March 2020 -- while Trump, admittedly aware of the death toll looming -- golfed at his own properties on the taxpayer's dime, obsessively promoted stock market numbers, held " Keep America Great" rallies and sought vengeance against patriots who testified to his malfeasance in his first impeachment.

That set the tone and explains Trump's half-hearted effort to ever truly attack the virus that would wipe out half a million Americans.

The special effectively gives Trump a pass on the first 100,000 deaths from Covid -19 in this country and questions his role in the other 400,000 lives lost. But the virus wouldn't have taken anywhere near such a tragic death toll if Trump had acted like he gave a damn from the onset of the Coronavirus threat.

Trump's lies, incites and indifference are still festering into bombastic rhetoric. Just yesterday, Trump's former trade adviser, Peter Navarro blamed Dr. Anthony Fauci for the coronavirus. This is sick, twisted trashing of the truth needs to be called out forcefully.

Enough of the Trump-facilitated shirking of blame and baseless lies which has left half a million Americans dead, led to the Capitol Coup attempt and has fed a surge in Asain hate crimes and violent deaths.

Trump did this. If you can't see that, you need to stop watching brainwashing Fox News and their twisted political agenda -- borne out of Rupert Murdoch's supermarket tabloid agenda to deceive the masses heartening back decades. 

We need to admit the truth, mourn, repent and move on. But never forget. Suppressing these dark, unsettling realities only prolongs and exacerbates the pain, virtually guarunteeing a vicious cycle of repeating the same foolish deadly mistakes on an even more catastrophic scale next time.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

I Don't Get It

Go ahead. Call me a cupcake. Or a snowflake.

But I'm still trying to grasp how a two-bit con man swindles his way into the Oval Office, lies some 30,000 times in four years to Americans, facilitates the deaths of more than half a million Americans from a plague he helped spread and then in a desperate last ditch ploy to cling to dictatorial power, orchestrates a bloody, deadly coup attempt on the Capitol -- and a mystifying number of white Evangelical enablers still warmly embrace him as some kind of savior.

Equally mystifying is how a man expediting delivery of a urgently needed vaccine (the previous guy necessitated) and championing a rescue package to help suffering fellow Americans, is lambasted as doing the devil's work by those same supposedly God-fearing Christians.

Something's seriously broken. Far too few "eyes to see."

I'm supposed to be one of those Christians. But I'm not so sure anymore that we all actually worship the same God.

White Evangelicals have yet to twig onto the fact that God rose up Trump to expose and destroy the Pharasaichal hypocrisies that have beleaguered, infected the Christian faith ..harkening back decades with the political self-serving manipulations of conniving "Moral Majority" Christian leaders like Jerry Falwell in the 70s, 80s..