Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Mounting Threat of Trump

President Donald Trump poses a mounting, serious threat to the United State's domestic and national security.

How many times and how many different ways does that drum need beating before the overwhelming majority of the American citizenry, hears the foreboding warning?

The only aspect more disturbing than America's present fragile reality is the unsettling fact that a complacent core of Republicans -- enabling the President's blatantly destructive impulses -- have refused to see the light.

Trump's sudden abandoning of our Syrian Democratic Force Kurdish allies in northeast Syria, to slaughter by Turkey, is a castrophe with untold ongoing reprecussions.

Not only did Trump's abrupt pullout of U.S. troops from northeast Syria greenlight Turkey's bombing of the region, killing Christians and Arab innocents, including children -- it's reportedly led to the escape of hundreds of jailed ISIS terrorists.

It's insanity. After much fighting and bloodshed in recent years the U.S.-backed Kurds had effectively stamped down and contained the threat of ISIS.

Then Trump, in a mindless move that appeases Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, scraps it all after a phone call with the Turkish President.

Innocents are dying. Terrorists are free to inflict more bloodshed and chaos. Meanwhile, Trump's many business interests in Turkey and Russia are safe and sound.

What further drastic measures will this President take to protect his own interests and, just as importantly, distract from pending impeachment?

A growing number of mental health experts are sounding the alarm bell louder than ever over the menace this President represents.

You don't hear much about it in the mainstream media due to the Trump-fueled chaos that steals the headlines.

In a recent letter to Congress, the authors of "The Dangerous Case Of Donald Trump" edited by Bandy Lee, MD, violence expert and forensic psychiatrist, warn lawmakers about the implications of Trump's "pattern of fragile sense of self."

The letter by the World Mental Health Coalition  (see here https://dangerouscase.org/) points with concern to Trump's threat to the anonymous whistleblower, the House Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schiff and the President's prediction of civil war should he be impeached.

The letter further reads:

"The unfolding of an impeachment inquiry raises the specter of President Trump feeling threatened in ways he never has before. This sense of threat is likely to lead to an exacerbation of his attacks on perceived enemies and to increased encouragement of violence against them. This encouragement may lead to violent actions by others, such as we have seen over the last couple of years but highly exacerbated.

"We also should not ignore the President’s ability to initiate a conflict with other countries in order to distract from his political troubles, perhaps with the hope of rallying the country around him, as often happens at the beginning of armed conflict. The fact that the President holds in his hands alone the ability to initiate nuclear war cannot be ignored.

"We issue this letter to request that honorable lawmakers take these fears of increased violence seriously and plan accordingly. As mental health professionals, we have a professional obligation to use our knowledge and expertise to help individuals and groups avoid harm. Our ethical guidelines also encourage us 'to serve society by advising and consulting with the executive, legislative, and judiciary branches of the government.'

"Two things are urgent:

"The impeachment hearings must proceed with all deliberate speed, and
If possible, Congress should reinforce existing laws that limit a president’s ability single-handedly to make war or launch military actions."

Will our elected Republican representatives, in particular, listen?