Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Will We The People Save Our Beloved Country?

Really, to call President-elect Donald Trump "unqualified" to be America's next commander in chief, is being a tad too politically correct.

He's the least qualified human being for the position ever to walk the face of the earth.

Bugs Bunny or Charles Manson would make better, more honorable presidents.

The scariest thing about Trump isn't the wide open, bottomless sewer of deception in which he thrives, daily casting aspersions and inciting fear.

No, the scariest thing about Trump has long been that millions of Americans guzzled the snake oil of the world's most dangerous and MOST OBVIOUS con.

Now, three weeks after this country's most bizarre and divisive election likely ever and amidst unprecedented reckless, unethical behavior from the president elect, the disconnect is just as mind blowing.

Will Trump believers start experiencing buyer's remorse now?

Here's an admitted sexual assaulter, accused child rapist, tax evader, demonstrated swindler, defendant in some 70 lawsuits, extraordinarily shallow, thin-skinned alarmist with a short attention span and troubling international business conflicts around the globe.

And millions of Americans chose him for their next president -- and still appear to be rallying around him.

Not only is Trump immensely unqualified to be this nation's commander and chief, but most concerning of all, "The Donald" is an obsessive and fairly good liar -- a prerequisite for any successful con man.

He tells whoever he's in the room with at the time, just what he or she wants to hear. Just like he did at his sit down with the New York Times a week ago.

And in this age of pseudo-intellectual partisan bitterness, where hearing what we want, comes reflexively, that has made Trump an extraordinarily dangerous force.

It's as if incrementally, unknowingly even elements of the media are allowing themselves to be brainwashed by Trump's blatant, insistent lies.

If a people is lied to long enough, they'll start to believe those lies. Clearly, that's Trump's strategic personal Constitution. In the very least, society becomes numb to his deceit and ultimately excuses it.

"Oh, that's Trump simply being Trump," they'll say insipidly, as if liberally and persistently toying with the truth is of no consequence for a president of the United States.

Just the same, how can the mainstream media as a whole remain so complacent in the face of Trump's sheer arrogance?

Certainly, Trump's glaringly unscrupulous past and present has become enmeshed and blurred over time with this bad boy rebellious outsider persona he and his crooked handlers have fed the public.

It's just easier to digest that trumped up facade of heroic outsider for the average Joe Citizen, and even time-crunched news reporters, in this soundbite society, than to wade through the muck of Trump's past.

But the integrity of the Fourth Estate is as vital as ever to our country.

For those who take the time, Trump's failure to the meet minimum standards of decency is manifest in assorted verifiable violations against humanity over the years. They are so widespread and intermingled that it boggles the mind.

Like a grove of intertwined sprawling oaks, it's virtually impossible to see the grove for the individual trees.

And so the viewer comes away with only a vague notion of what the individual tree (or infraction) looks like.

Still, that's no excuse for us Americans to remain clueless, while the grand illusionist practices his sleight of hand with American principle and threatens to savage the future of our children.

Trump has built his suspect empire by trampling over lives, short changing investors and bilking thousands of their slice of the American dream.

How can Trump realistically be free of conflicts of interest as president, while his family cuts million dollar deals with foreign government associates?

Why did Trump pay a $25 million settlement in the Trump University fraud case, if he did nothing wrong?

Let's get the details of the numerous other lawsuits naming Trump. Was the child rape case against Trump, scheduled for consideration in New York District Court Dec. 16, really dropped by the accuser after multiple threats on her life? (The lurid allegations in the case are a matter of record.)

Trump promised to "drain the swamp" of corrupt establishment types, but has proceeded to surround himself with Washington lobbyists, Wall Streeters and wealthy Conservative insiders, most with troubling elitist sympathies.

Yes, this is really happening. This isn't Reality TV.

If America as a whole doesn't wake up -- and RISE UP to reject a President Donald Trump -- before state electors cast their votes Dec. 19 -- it's easily game over.

State electors can still change their votes from Trump to Hillary Clinton (or another candidate) who won the national popular vote by more than two million votes. Clinton has always been the only legitimate choice for president of the two candidates.

If the people make enough noise over Trump's post election recklessness -- his baseless illegal voting allegations, threat to jail flag burners, appointing insider elites, disregard of family business conflicts and flouting national security protocol -- the electors will have no choice but to listen.

All that, coupled with Jill Stein's push for vote recounts in three states -- in light of compelling evidence that the election was indeed "rigged" in Trump's favor -- could produce refutable proof that Trump in every way is undeserving of the presidency.

The more red flags, the better. For love of country, state electors will have to change their mind and elected representatives will have to take a stand.

The writing is on the wall in glaring, bold, black letters. It's unmistakable. We can't rely solely on corporate-controlled cable news, which typically glosses over the truth.

We need to do our homework, our own digging. We have a second chance to save our country. And it could be our last.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Trump Proving Unfit

Hasn't America seen enough yet?

Just three weeks after election day and president-elect Donald Trump repeatedly and glaringly has proved himself unfit to be our commander-in-chief.

His recent temper tantrum of a tweet storm and bizarre, unsubstantiated claim that millions voted illegally against him, preventing him from winning the popular vote, unwittingly demonstrates his thin-skinned immaturity, skewed judgment and penchant to deceive.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Draining The Swamp?

President-elect Donald Trump is wasting no time in planting the seeds of destruction for our country.

His top advisor on how to run the country will be a white nationalist sleazy news agency operator, Steve Bannon. Same guy who, as Trump's campaign manager, connived Trump's suspect election win last Tuesday.

RNC Chair Reince Preibus, who should have worked to disqualify Trump months ago, gets the nod for Chief of Staff.

Some outsider Trump is turning out to be.

Trump is loading up his transition team with Washington lobbyists and insiders less than a week after the election.

Any day now, bamboozled Trumpies should start waking up with a hang over and buyer's remorse.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

A Dark and Cloudy Day

For the first time in weeks this morning, the sky is overcast, the day is rainy and gray.

Many of us feared this day would come. We could see it coming. But we were powerless to stop it.

America elected Donald Trump president last night.

Not since the Civil War days has the country been this divided.

Not since the Israelites wandered the desert searching for the promised land has a people been so misguided and lost.

It could happen I said to many, who simply laughed it off.

Many bought the brain washing corporate main stream media message that both candidates were equally horrible choices -- and didn't vote.

There's the usual talk of unity after an ugly election. That's good, but really that's the least we should expect at this point.

It's going to be up to people to stand for their rights like never before. We must hope and pray for the best.

Of course, that doesn't change the fact that as it stands now, a man who has lived his whole life so far as a ruthless, vindictive bully, is moving into the White House in January.

There's plenty of blame to go around for Trump's victory.

The inexcusable FBI James Comey effect. The cable news channels that gave Trump unlimited free PR.

Republican Voter suppression? And DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz for tripping up Bernie Sanders' candidacy, which was our real hope.

For all the pre election talk about possible election rigging and voter machine hacking vulnerability, the mass media has been remarkably silent on the issue.

Was there foul play? This isn't poor loser talk. It's based on Trump's track record of never playing by the rules.

It' based on his suspect Russian ties and our Intelligence's advance warning that Russia had accessed voter registration roles in numerous states.

Clinton was polling several points ahead. And Trump seemed to come out of nowhere, as usual.

But it can be very difficult to detect whether vote changing malware was used on certain electronic touch screen machines.

Unless there's a serious   investigation, we may never know if voter machine hacking played a role in the Trump upset.

Regardless, this is where faith in an all powerful God comes into play.

My mother would often quote "Hope springs eternal."

Let's reach down deep and keep the faith. Let's keep fighting the good fight.

Scripture tells us that "God can take what the devil means to destroy us with and turn it for our good."

Can I get an Amen?

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

My Theory, My Hope, My Prayer

A theory. A hope. A prayer.

As I watch this evening's news and see so many smiling Americans contentedly in Trump's corner, believing in his empty promise to make America great again,
I'm baffled all over again.

And heart broken -- and outraged.

This isn't a TV reality show. This isn't time to vote for a candidate based on one or two narrow issues.

It's big picture time. It's time to prevent the take over of our country from the darkest and most deceitful of forces.

It's time to ensure Donald Trump dosen't win the White House and proceed to tear apart America with his hatefulness all for his own  gain.

Self-enrichment is the only thing this guy knows or cares about, despite what he says.

He has no real plan. He's a divider, a hater, a narcissist, a liar and first class deceiver.

 He has the markers of an anti-Christ all over him -- arrogance, intolerance  and vengeance.

He says whatever he thinks the people want to hear. He vomits a multitude of lies daily.

He's a defendant in numerous lawsuits for, in one way or another, swindling people.

 He allegedly raped a 13-year-old girl (New York district court date court is December 16).

He has troubling ties with Russian oligarchs and mobsters.

He has business interests all over the world that would conflict with his duties if he were ever commander in chief.

He's course, offensive and sociopathic. He's thin skinned and erratic.

I have to believe that somewhere deep down in their souls many Trump "believers" know that Trump is glaringly, dangerously unfit for the presidency.

So, my theory, my hope, my prayer is that they will wake up.

That this un-American  pro-Trump nonsense, will cease once the voter steps inside the privacy of the voting booth.

My theory, hope and prayer is that once the "pro-Trump" voter has exhausted his or her outrage with a system that has screwed them over, and finds himself or herself in the privacy of the voting booth, they won't be able to pull the red lever, press the button or punch the card for the charlatan.

Scripture tells that if we turn from our wicked ways, repent, that God will heal our land.

God move for the sake of this country's future, for our children. For your kingdom.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Our Country Too

Somebody raised me.

Somebody loved me.

Everyday, someone held, kissed and  hugged me.

Somebody laughed at my first smile.

Somebody smiled when I first cried.

And she told me, that everything, everything was going to be alright.

They say love makes this world spin 'round.

But can't you feel it? Can't you feel it slowing down?

How did we get here?

More important, what will we do?

When are we going to tell them,
that this is our country, too?

This is our country, too.

Our awesome oceans.

Our life-giving trees.

Every man, woman and child

was born to be free.

God-given privilege was never meant for a few.

So when are we going to tell them,
that this is our country too?

This is our country too.

It's no place for preachers of hate.

How could that ever make a country great?

We've lost track of who we are,

and why we're here.

It's always been about love,

And love always conquers fear.

Yeah, they say love makes this world spin round.

Can't you feel it? Can't you feel it slowing down.

Before it slows to a halt

Will we face our faults?

Heed God and country's call?

Seek justice for all?

To ourselves, this land and planet

Will we stay true?

When we gonna tell 'em
this is our country, too.

This is our country too.

Did Comey Know Emails Were Dupes?

The FBI reportedly knew from getgo that the "new" Hillary Clinton emails were dupes.

 FBI James Comey has some explaining to do.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Will Russia and FBI Rig Election For Trump?

Just three days away from the United States' most critical presidential election ever, the looming threat any more, isn't so much of Donald Trump winning the presidency, but stealing it.

FBI Director James Comey's sounding the false alarm about more Hillary Clinton emails discovered, and blabbermouth Rudy Guilliani's forewarning of the attempted Clinton hit job, a couple days prior, clearly implicates the two as part of a rogue FBI conspiracy to keep Clinton out of the White House.

What ever the reasoning -- a vendetta, partisanship or both -- Comey and Guiliani unwittingly showed their hand.

Their crimes aside, and as disturbing as this all is, we can't ignore the bigger picture that just has come into focus.

Disgruntled New York FBI agents, Russian hackers and who knows who else, are intent on discrediting Clinton and finding a way -- by any surreptitious means possible -- to insert Trump as the next President of the United States.

The best we the people can do to keep an overtly crooked nut job out of the Oval Office, is to turn out in droves to vote for Clinton Tuesday.

We need to hope and pray for our country. And we to pay attention.

It's time for that "vigilant and knowledgeable citizenry" which President Dwight D. Eisenhower  called for more than 50 years ago, to awaken.

This may be our last chance.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Trump is the Real Fraud

Donald Trump has already won. A heightened sense of fear, paranoia, hatred, intolerance and anger pervades America.

Mission accomplished. His next exploitative venture -- a clownish news channel or some twisted reality show that features his scowling mug daily -- now has an enthusiastic, fired up fan base.

Do you really want this ruthless, arrogant, self-serving and divisive con man as our next president of these un-United States?

There's at least a light year of difference between Trump and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Clinton, who started her career with high ideals, got a little too close to Wall Street. But thanks largely to Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, former Democratic presidential candidate, Clinton has agreed to break up big banks, regulate Wall Street and fight for a desperately needed living wage.

Trump, whose number one goal has always been self enrichment, is America's most dangerous home-bred terrorist.

His weapons are fear and divisiveness, planted not so subtly in the hearts and minds of the disenchanted, subject to explode anytime. 

Fellow Christians actually contemplating a vote for Trump based on his professed pro-life claims, should seriously consider his flip flopping on the issue.

Really, on what basis can we trust anything Trump says? Additionally, would a majority Conservative supreme court actually overturn Roe vs. Wade? One hasn't yet.

A Conservative supreme court, however, most assuredly would endorse criminal decisions like Citizen's United that in effect help perpetuate a rigged system which enriches fat cats and penalizes the people.

Thankfully, the abortion rate is dropping. And yes, it needs to become exceedingly rare. But what about the 16 million children in this country who are living in poverty right now? Which presidential candidate is truly speaking for them?

Millions of children reportedly go to bed hungry each night. How can a child learn, let alone thrive with his or her stomach growling?

Trump is no outsider. He's a festering amalgamation of our lesser selves. The monstrous embodiment of everything ugly and ruinous about the Republican Party.

He's that twisted, contorted reflection staring back from the sideshow funhouse mirror.

A vote for Trump only endorses a long-standing conservative ideology that opposes a living wage, threatens families' assistance programs, while protecting corporate loopholes for the greedy.

Why should some Wal-mart employees, working for the richest corporation in America, be forced to survive on food stamps? 

All this blathering from Trump's camp about a rigged election is just more deflection and projection from the master illusionist.

Out of one billion votes cast since 2000 in America, just 36 cases of voter fraud have been discovered. It's virtually non-existent. 

Election (not voter) fraud is another matter. Electronic voting machines are easily manipulated absent legitimate oversight. (See reports alleging George W. Bush reportedly stole the pivotal swing state of Ohio in 2004.)

What should be really troubling to all Americans is not the tired, old exploited issue of Clinton's emails (Unless FBI Director James Comey found new evidence he should have kept his mouth shut), but Trump's demonstrative connections to Russian oligarchs and mobsters.

Where's all the hubbub over this?

Our intelligence agencies tells us Russia has hacked voter registration computers in more than 20 states in this country, as well as infiltrated Democratic Party emails.

Published reports suggest Russia has been trying to recruit Trump, whose foreign policy advisor Carter Page has serious business ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

A first grader could connect the dots. Trump, with Russia's help, plans to steal the election. If he fails, he's done the damage he desired and has a convenient excuse for losing.

If Comey can emerge from the shadows just over a week before election day to raise the specter of more Clinton email trouble, surely he can level with us about Trump's apparent treasonous ties -- before November 8.

Trump, through his "rigged election" claims, is, as usual, projecting the crimes of which he is guilty, onto his opponent.

That Trump pattern of deflection and projection has served the sideshow barker all too well.

But, to anyone paying attention, it should be all too clear that the only significant fraud in the 2016 presidential elections, is Donald J. Trump.