Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Dems Stand RIGHT In Sit Down

This is a time for extreme measures -- particularly when it comes to the right's criminal stronghold favoring gun violence.

Trump a model father figure??

This is how it can happen. This is how a nation becomes divided and falls.
Christian leader Ralph Reed's endorsement of Donald Trump for Christian is extremely disturbing.
Reed said recently he will support Trump and spoke borderline glowingly of The Donald as a father.
On what is Reed basing his findings?

Monday, June 20, 2016

Bernie Movement Here To Stay

Bernie Sanders doesn't have to win the Democratic presidential nomination to continue making a real impact on evening the economic playing field.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Thursday, June 16, 2016

No Fly, No Buy, No Brainer

Why does it take such a tragedy for the NRA-controlled right to finally consider budging and doing the right thing?

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Bobby Kennedy's Words Resound Today

We'd do well to recall and heed the elequant and powerful words of perhaps our most promising presidential candidate who was cut down by bullets before his and America's dream was fully realized.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Vote For Bernie

         The Press, June 4, 2016 

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders is the only legitimate choice for the next President of the United States in New Jersey’s Democratic primary this Tuesday, June 7.

Foremost, Sanders is the Democratic Party’s best shot at keeping sideshow barker Donald Trump out of the White House. And that’s reason enough. We can’t fluff off the notion of a President Trump. It could happen.

The writing has been on the wall. Democratic Party darling Hillary Clinton simply hauls around too much baggage. Trump, practiced at finding fault, perceived or genuine, has all the fodder he needs. Lately, we’ve witnessed a sneak preview of the Frightmare ahead if Clinton wins the party's nod.

Trump’s own closet may be bursting at the hinges with skeletons. But the master illusionist, employing his sleight of tongue, can deflect and redirect with aplomb.

A matchup between Sanders and Trump is another story -- a classic contest of good guy versus bad. Sanders’ superior experience, wisdom and integrity will stump Trump. 

Aside from agreeing on one or two key issues (like keeping jobs in America) the two anti-establishment candidates are polar opposites.

Sanders, who marched with Martin Luther King, fought for economic justice all of his life. Trump, exploiting loopholes, has strived to enrich himself all of his.

And here’s a novel consideration amidst this disingenuous reality TV age: Bernie Sanders actually appears to consistently tell the truth. Yeah, the truth. Remember that?

Cape May Courthouse