Friday, December 23, 2016

Absent Truth and Civility, Trump Spells Doom

So, what happened to the truth and civility?

Five years ago, when the nastiness and lies spewed over the airwaves and in the media seemed to hit new lows, I wrote a commentary lamenting the absence of civility and truth in American society.

Truth and civility had been under attack for some time, of course. But it felt like a turning point.

Gabby Giffords had just been shot in Tuscon, AZ. The right and left were blaming each other. The ugliness only got worse from there.

Flash forward five years. We are a nation that appears to be morally bankrupt. And on the verge of war?

With Donald Trump as our president elect, the truth and civility no longer matter. In fact, they only get in the way.

Toronto Star reporter Daniel Dale fact checked everything Trump said on 28 different days towards the end of the 2016 presidential campaign and documented 560 different falsehoods, for an average of 20 lies a day.

The next President of the United States lies publicly 20 times a day. Think about that. Think about all the devastating implications that holds.

And that, fellow Americans, is just one of the many deeply troubling aspects to this guy.

Now, he is threatening an escalated nuclear arms race. And he has yet to be sworn in as president. It's not going to get any better. He's becoming progressively emboldened.

If our representatives in Washington don't do absolutely everything they can to block Trump from the presidency, it will be game over for the United States of America.

Too soon for congressional censure, reprimand or expulsion?

We the people should prepare for war, perhaps in more ways than one. Certainly, we need to fight for our country to keep it out of the hands of the least qualified person on the planet.

Let your congressmen know how you feel. Make phone calls. Send emails. Write letters to the editor.

Just as important, as we celebrate the coming of mankind's savior this Christmas weekend, we should pray for peace and healing in our land. Have a Merry Christmas. Let's hope it's not our last.

For what it's worth, here's that opinion from January 2011, calling for truth and civility in ourselves and our leaders:

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Electors Failed Us

Opinion (Dec. 19) in The Hill:

"His regular "Tweetstorms" at Saturday Night Live, the cast of Hamilton, theCarrier union boss; his talks with Taiwan, all feel like they are pointed attempts to not only test the limits of acceptable behavior for a democratically elected leader, but a signal to the electorate that he is in over his head and wants out. 

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Trump Wants To Be Dumped

"Let no one decieve you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience." Ephesians 5:6

As he recklessly lays siege to America, President-elect Donald J. Trump is daring us to stop him.
Trump is practically pleading with us -- we, the people, the state electors, lawmakers to keep him from the presidency.
He has yet to be sworn in as commander in chief, but already Trump is displaying the disturbing markers of a fascist dictator, testing the limits of Democratic societal norms in alarming ways.
As Trump, smiles smugly and recklessly flouts American principle, degrading, dividing and conquering, there's something else going on.
The tweeter-elect is covertly sending out an S.O.S.
Secretly, deep down in his conflicted, very much alive and unwell inner child, and in ways that Trump himself may not fully comprehend, the impetuous Donald ernestly is begging us to say "enough!"
Can't you see it?
Way down deep,Trump is still the spoiled, bratty, impulsive child seeing how far he can push us, before we bring the hammer down.
Trump doesn't want the job as president. He never did. Not really.
Sure, he coveted the presidency as any megalomaniac would -- akin to the way a 6-year-old wants to be Superman or a king.
But actually do the work? Nah. Intelligence reports? Who needs 'em? He's smart. Don't mess with his tweeting time.
In his lost soul of souls, Trump can't help himself. He's still that kill joy kid who demanded the spotlight and delighted in demolishing majestic sand castles other kids spent hours at the beach building.
So, let's just pretend "The Donald" isn't 100's of millions of dollars in debt. Okay?
Presently, absent any authoritative voice to tell The Donald "No!" -- the nation's most undisciplined, lethal home-bred terrorist is only becoming more emboldened.
He's sticking out his tongue, wiggling his tookus, taunting us, "nah, nah, na-nah nah," daring us to smack his greedy, grubby little hand away from the cookie jar, now nearly emptied of American ideals.
Hey, if he's the new boss, why cash in, or cut ties with the innumerable Trump business interests around the globe? Conflict of what??
The spineless Republican Party leadership and the ratings-minded corporate conglomerate-owned cable news, only condoned Trump's inexcusable, bizarre behavior from the get-go.
And if we allow him, the child-like Trump will destroy our country in much the same way he leveled sand castles as a punk kid.
Where will that voice of authority, ordering The Donald to "stop," come from?
A voice unbound by pathetic political party allegiances that have only stagnated and strangled progress, leaving America, not since the Civil War, so divided.
Esteemed State Electors, you are that desperately needed voice of authority. Forget party. Think country.
You, and then likely the House of Representatives, are America's last visible hope of saving our beloved country from disaster.
In the past month since Trump was declared the president-elect, truth and justice have been under attack in America like never before.
Trump has challenged our God-given, First Amendment rights to free speech, a free press, peaceful protests and fair elections.
Like Adolph Hitler, Trump has labeled the press as liars and threatened to jail and strip of citizenship, government protesters who burn flags.
He's broken security protocol, increased international tensions (China and Russia), and fluffed off his numerous, extensive business conflicts around the world.
Through his crony, elitist insider administration appointments, Trump is endangering the people's social security, Medicare, environmental protections and racial harmony.
The problem with comprehending Trump's myriad blatant, past and present violations of human decency, is that they are seemingly endless.
By virtue of his multitude of conflicts, Donald J. Trump is arguably the least qualified person on the planet to be the next president of the United States.
Despite all the knocks against the Electoral College as being antiquated, the system was designed by our foreseeing Founding Fathers for dire times such as these.
Under the U.S. Constitution, the college was meant as a check and balance against an unqualified person, one with state enemy ties, from being elected commander in chief.
It's almost as if Alexander Hamilton had Trump in mind when he wrote number 58 of the Federalist Papers in March of 1788, explaining the  purpose of the Electoral College.
"The process of election affords a moral certainty, that the office of President will never fall to the lot of any man who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications," wrote Hamilton.
Virtually every day brings a new impulsive tweet from the president-elect, responding to a percieved slight or challenge to his
Authoritarian values.
Additionally, Hamilton wrote in the Federalist Papers:
"Nothing was more to be desired than that every practicable obstacle should be opposed to cabal, intrigue, and corruption.
"These most deadly adversaries of Republican government might naturally have been expected to make their approaches from more than one quarter, but chiefly from the desire in foreign powers to gain an improper ascendant in our councils."
Think of Trump's increasingly troubling ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin, which our intelligence agencies tell us ordered the hacking of our voter registries to rig the presidential election in Trump's favor.
Republican Electors, there's perhaps never been a more burning call for justice in America.
Your country needs you to uphold your duty under the Constitution.
Unprecedented times call for unprecedented measures. You must exercise your trusted authority over "cabal, intrigue and corruption" and vote against Trump.

The public record also shows that Trump has constructed his suspect illegitimate empire by trampling over lives and bilking others of their slice of the American dream.

Whether you are an Atlantic City contractor, a "Trump University" student, an New York City investor or a farmer in Aberdeenshire, Scotland -- where Trump destroyed environmentally sensitive dune lands to build a golf course for the rich, you mean squat to Trump. (Watch the documentaries "You've Been Trumped" and "You've been Trumped Too.")

Trump may be telling his adoring fans at his victory rallies just what they want to hear. So what?

On what basis can anyone trust a word the man says? 

A Toronto Star reporter who recently fact checked Trump daily for 43 consecutive days, reported that the president-elect lies 20 to 37 times a day.

This is the next leader of the free world. Our world is about to be placed in the hands of a narcissist with the fragile ego of a child, who by all accounts isn't as thrilled with the prospect of leading, as he is with self empowerment.

We musn't placate ourselves, thinking that if the unruly Donald doesn't behave himself in the Oval Office, he'll be impeached.

And all bets are off if Trump is sworn in as president. He's already changing the rules. And he's just getting warmed up.

Christopher Suprun, a Republican member of the Electoral College from Texas, sets the example.
He refuses to support Trump, for numerous reasons, not the least of which is Trump's strange and concerning defense of Russia in the face of the CIA' and FBI's conclusion that Putin meddled with the 2016 presidential election.
Hear the voices of nearly 5 million Americans who have signed a petition, calling on you, Electors, to vote for Democratic presidential  candidate Hillary Clinton, who won the national popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. (Electors and citizens visit
Again, we're talking about a man with no experience in public office or the military -- someone who knows he's unfit for the White House and is defiantly acting out, crying for help.
Defend America, Electors. Give Trump what, in his heart of hearts, he's looking for -- a way out.

If we fail to act, with the alarm bells sounding as loud as they are, we are only inviting whatever evil befalls us.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Facist in Waiting?

Have you seen and heard enough America?
We, the American people, must pressure our state electors to take a stand in defense of our beloved country -- and block Donald Trump from becoming the next president of the United States.
Trump has yet to be sworn in as commander in chief, but already is displaying all the disturbing markers of a fascist dictator, testing the limits of societal norms in an alarming ways.
It's more abundantly clear than ever, that Trump is not only unfit for office, but a very present and severe threat to our Democracy.
The president-elect is surrounding himself Keith Washington insider and Wall Street elites, despite his promises to "drain the swamp."
With his administrative appointments, Trump is targeting social security, Medicare, the environment, racial harmony, human decency, peace, truth and justice.
He's also increasing international tensions, breaking security protocol and ignoring his assorted business conflicts of interest -- all of which significantly jeopardize American safety.

Evidence that Russia hacked elections for Trump is irrefutable.
And so, the U.S. Constitution allows state electors to change their votes before they actually submit them to Congress on Dec. 19.
In fact, the electoral college system is designed as a check and balance against  an unqualified person, particularly one with state enemy ties, from becoming commander-in-chief.
Trump fits that bill and then some. Alexander Hamilton in March 1788 wrote in The Federalist Papers No. 68:
"Nothing was more to be desired than that every practicable obstacle should be opposed to cabal, intrigue, and corruption.
"These most deadly adversaries of Republican government might naturally have been expected to make their approaches from more than one quarter, but chiefly from the desire in foreign powers to gain an improper ascendant in our councils."
Think of Trump's troubling ties to Russia, which mounting evidence suggests did in fact hack our voter registries and helped rig the presidential election -- in Trump's favor.
Admittedly, it's a long shot that enough avowed Republican electors, some 37 needed, would change their votes to Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton (or a Republican candidate other than Trump.)
But it's a shot more than worth pursuing. This has been a year of the unexpected.
More than 4 million Americans have signed a petition, calling on state electors to vote Clinton into office. (Visit
A handful of the 538 electors (including those from Colorado, Wisconsin and California) calling themselves the "Hamilton Electors," have already vowed to vote against Trump.
The writing is on the wall. Do we really want a thin-skinned narcissist with access to the nuclear codes?
Forget party. Never mind red state allegiances. Think country! We, the people, need to save this country.
Despite Republican roadblocks we need to continue to pursue recount efforts in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, which have already uncovered serious discrepancies.
Hamilton also wrote in the Federalist Papers No. 68:
"The process of election affords a moral certainty, that the office of President will never fall to the lot of any man who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications."
Virtually, every day brings a new tweet and a fresh concern with the president elect.
We can't fluff off his daily tempestuousness with, "Oh that's just Donald being Donald," as if petty tweet storms were somehow becoming of the most powerful man on earth.
And enough already of comments like: "Trump doesn't really mean the things he says."
Clearly, it would be a good idea if he did, so world leaders could take the man at his word.
Just remember what British statesman, Edmund Burke, said many years ago:
“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

Monday, December 5, 2016

David Defeats Goliath

Standing Rock Sioux Tribe's victory in North Dakota yesterday is a model and inspiration for the American people facing their most monumental injustice ever with the looming threat of a President Donald Trump.

After months of protests, enduring barbaric opposition from authorities, the Department of the Army yesterday decided to block the multi-billion pipeline from invading Standing Rock territory and risking future contamination of the sacred reservation.

The message? If the people rise up against a blatant injustice and stand together, no earthly power can thwart them.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Will We The People Save Our Beloved Country?

Really, to call President-elect Donald Trump "unqualified" to be America's next commander in chief, is being a tad too politically correct.

He's the least qualified human being for the position ever to walk the face of the earth.

Bugs Bunny or Charles Manson would make better, more honorable presidents.

The scariest thing about Trump isn't the wide open, bottomless sewer of deception in which he thrives, daily casting aspersions and inciting fear.

No, the scariest thing about Trump has long been that millions of Americans guzzled the snake oil of the world's most dangerous and MOST OBVIOUS con.

Now, three weeks after this country's most bizarre and divisive election likely ever and amidst unprecedented reckless, unethical behavior from the president elect, the disconnect is just as mind blowing.

Will Trump believers start experiencing buyer's remorse now?

Here's an admitted sexual assaulter, accused child rapist, tax evader, demonstrated swindler, defendant in some 70 lawsuits, extraordinarily shallow, thin-skinned alarmist with a short attention span and troubling international business conflicts around the globe.

And millions of Americans chose him for their next president -- and still appear to be rallying around him.

Not only is Trump immensely unqualified to be this nation's commander and chief, but most concerning of all, "The Donald" is an obsessive and fairly good liar -- a prerequisite for any successful con man.

He tells whoever he's in the room with at the time, just what he or she wants to hear. Just like he did at his sit down with the New York Times a week ago.

And in this age of pseudo-intellectual partisan bitterness, where hearing what we want, comes reflexively, that has made Trump an extraordinarily dangerous force.

It's as if incrementally, unknowingly even elements of the media are allowing themselves to be brainwashed by Trump's blatant, insistent lies.

If a people is lied to long enough, they'll start to believe those lies. Clearly, that's Trump's strategic personal Constitution. In the very least, society becomes numb to his deceit and ultimately excuses it.

"Oh, that's Trump simply being Trump," they'll say insipidly, as if liberally and persistently toying with the truth is of no consequence for a president of the United States.

Just the same, how can the mainstream media as a whole remain so complacent in the face of Trump's sheer arrogance?

Certainly, Trump's glaringly unscrupulous past and present has become enmeshed and blurred over time with this bad boy rebellious outsider persona he and his crooked handlers have fed the public.

It's just easier to digest that trumped up facade of heroic outsider for the average Joe Citizen, and even time-crunched news reporters, in this soundbite society, than to wade through the muck of Trump's past.

But the integrity of the Fourth Estate is as vital as ever to our country.

For those who take the time, Trump's failure to the meet minimum standards of decency is manifest in assorted verifiable violations against humanity over the years. They are so widespread and intermingled that it boggles the mind.

Like a grove of intertwined sprawling oaks, it's virtually impossible to see the grove for the individual trees.

And so the viewer comes away with only a vague notion of what the individual tree (or infraction) looks like.

Still, that's no excuse for us Americans to remain clueless, while the grand illusionist practices his sleight of hand with American principle and threatens to savage the future of our children.

Trump has built his suspect empire by trampling over lives, short changing investors and bilking thousands of their slice of the American dream.

How can Trump realistically be free of conflicts of interest as president, while his family cuts million dollar deals with foreign government associates?

Why did Trump pay a $25 million settlement in the Trump University fraud case, if he did nothing wrong?

Let's get the details of the numerous other lawsuits naming Trump. Was the child rape case against Trump, scheduled for consideration in New York District Court Dec. 16, really dropped by the accuser after multiple threats on her life? (The lurid allegations in the case are a matter of record.)

Trump promised to "drain the swamp" of corrupt establishment types, but has proceeded to surround himself with Washington lobbyists, Wall Streeters and wealthy Conservative insiders, most with troubling elitist sympathies.

Yes, this is really happening. This isn't Reality TV.

If America as a whole doesn't wake up -- and RISE UP to reject a President Donald Trump -- before state electors cast their votes Dec. 19 -- it's easily game over.

State electors can still change their votes from Trump to Hillary Clinton (or another candidate) who won the national popular vote by more than two million votes. Clinton has always been the only legitimate choice for president of the two candidates.

If the people make enough noise over Trump's post election recklessness -- his baseless illegal voting allegations, threat to jail flag burners, appointing insider elites, disregard of family business conflicts and flouting national security protocol -- the electors will have no choice but to listen.

All that, coupled with Jill Stein's push for vote recounts in three states -- in light of compelling evidence that the election was indeed "rigged" in Trump's favor -- could produce refutable proof that Trump in every way is undeserving of the presidency.

The more red flags, the better. For love of country, state electors will have to change their mind and elected representatives will have to take a stand.

The writing is on the wall in glaring, bold, black letters. It's unmistakable. We can't rely solely on corporate-controlled cable news, which typically glosses over the truth.

We need to do our homework, our own digging. We have a second chance to save our country. And it could be our last.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Trump Proving Unfit

Hasn't America seen enough yet?

Just three weeks after election day and president-elect Donald Trump repeatedly and glaringly has proved himself unfit to be our commander-in-chief.

His recent temper tantrum of a tweet storm and bizarre, unsubstantiated claim that millions voted illegally against him, preventing him from winning the popular vote, unwittingly demonstrates his thin-skinned immaturity, skewed judgment and penchant to deceive.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Draining The Swamp?

President-elect Donald Trump is wasting no time in planting the seeds of destruction for our country.

His top advisor on how to run the country will be a white nationalist sleazy news agency operator, Steve Bannon. Same guy who, as Trump's campaign manager, connived Trump's suspect election win last Tuesday.

RNC Chair Reince Preibus, who should have worked to disqualify Trump months ago, gets the nod for Chief of Staff.

Some outsider Trump is turning out to be.

Trump is loading up his transition team with Washington lobbyists and insiders less than a week after the election.

Any day now, bamboozled Trumpies should start waking up with a hang over and buyer's remorse.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

A Dark and Cloudy Day

For the first time in weeks this morning, the sky is overcast, the day is rainy and gray.

Many of us feared this day would come. We could see it coming. But we were powerless to stop it.

America elected Donald Trump president last night.

Not since the Civil War days has the country been this divided.

Not since the Israelites wandered the desert searching for the promised land has a people been so misguided and lost.

It could happen I said to many, who simply laughed it off.

Many bought the brain washing corporate main stream media message that both candidates were equally horrible choices -- and didn't vote.

There's the usual talk of unity after an ugly election. That's good, but really that's the least we should expect at this point.

It's going to be up to people to stand for their rights like never before. We must hope and pray for the best.

Of course, that doesn't change the fact that as it stands now, a man who has lived his whole life so far as a ruthless, vindictive bully, is moving into the White House in January.

There's plenty of blame to go around for Trump's victory.

The inexcusable FBI James Comey effect. The cable news channels that gave Trump unlimited free PR.

Republican Voter suppression? And DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz for tripping up Bernie Sanders' candidacy, which was our real hope.

For all the pre election talk about possible election rigging and voter machine hacking vulnerability, the mass media has been remarkably silent on the issue.

Was there foul play? This isn't poor loser talk. It's based on Trump's track record of never playing by the rules.

It' based on his suspect Russian ties and our Intelligence's advance warning that Russia had accessed voter registration roles in numerous states.

Clinton was polling several points ahead. And Trump seemed to come out of nowhere, as usual.

But it can be very difficult to detect whether vote changing malware was used on certain electronic touch screen machines.

Unless there's a serious   investigation, we may never know if voter machine hacking played a role in the Trump upset.

Regardless, this is where faith in an all powerful God comes into play.

My mother would often quote "Hope springs eternal."

Let's reach down deep and keep the faith. Let's keep fighting the good fight.

Scripture tells us that "God can take what the devil means to destroy us with and turn it for our good."

Can I get an Amen?

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

My Theory, My Hope, My Prayer

A theory. A hope. A prayer.

As I watch this evening's news and see so many smiling Americans contentedly in Trump's corner, believing in his empty promise to make America great again,
I'm baffled all over again.

And heart broken -- and outraged.

This isn't a TV reality show. This isn't time to vote for a candidate based on one or two narrow issues.

It's big picture time. It's time to prevent the take over of our country from the darkest and most deceitful of forces.

It's time to ensure Donald Trump dosen't win the White House and proceed to tear apart America with his hatefulness all for his own  gain.

Self-enrichment is the only thing this guy knows or cares about, despite what he says.

He has no real plan. He's a divider, a hater, a narcissist, a liar and first class deceiver.

 He has the markers of an anti-Christ all over him -- arrogance, intolerance  and vengeance.

He says whatever he thinks the people want to hear. He vomits a multitude of lies daily.

He's a defendant in numerous lawsuits for, in one way or another, swindling people.

 He allegedly raped a 13-year-old girl (New York district court date court is December 16).

He has troubling ties with Russian oligarchs and mobsters.

He has business interests all over the world that would conflict with his duties if he were ever commander in chief.

He's course, offensive and sociopathic. He's thin skinned and erratic.

I have to believe that somewhere deep down in their souls many Trump "believers" know that Trump is glaringly, dangerously unfit for the presidency.

So, my theory, my hope, my prayer is that they will wake up.

That this un-American  pro-Trump nonsense, will cease once the voter steps inside the privacy of the voting booth.

My theory, hope and prayer is that once the "pro-Trump" voter has exhausted his or her outrage with a system that has screwed them over, and finds himself or herself in the privacy of the voting booth, they won't be able to pull the red lever, press the button or punch the card for the charlatan.

Scripture tells that if we turn from our wicked ways, repent, that God will heal our land.

God move for the sake of this country's future, for our children. For your kingdom.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Our Country Too

Somebody raised me.

Somebody loved me.

Everyday, someone held, kissed and  hugged me.

Somebody laughed at my first smile.

Somebody smiled when I first cried.

And she told me, that everything, everything was going to be alright.

They say love makes this world spin 'round.

But can't you feel it? Can't you feel it slowing down?

How did we get here?

More important, what will we do?

When are we going to tell them,
that this is our country, too?

This is our country, too.

Our awesome oceans.

Our life-giving trees.

Every man, woman and child

was born to be free.

God-given privilege was never meant for a few.

So when are we going to tell them,
that this is our country too?

This is our country too.

It's no place for preachers of hate.

How could that ever make a country great?

We've lost track of who we are,

and why we're here.

It's always been about love,

And love always conquers fear.

Yeah, they say love makes this world spin round.

Can't you feel it? Can't you feel it slowing down.

Before it slows to a halt

Will we face our faults?

Heed God and country's call?

Seek justice for all?

To ourselves, this land and planet

Will we stay true?

When we gonna tell 'em
this is our country, too.

This is our country too.

Did Comey Know Emails Were Dupes?

The FBI reportedly knew from getgo that the "new" Hillary Clinton emails were dupes.

 FBI James Comey has some explaining to do.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Will Russia and FBI Rig Election For Trump?

Just three days away from the United States' most critical presidential election ever, the looming threat any more, isn't so much of Donald Trump winning the presidency, but stealing it.

FBI Director James Comey's sounding the false alarm about more Hillary Clinton emails discovered, and blabbermouth Rudy Guilliani's forewarning of the attempted Clinton hit job, a couple days prior, clearly implicates the two as part of a rogue FBI conspiracy to keep Clinton out of the White House.

What ever the reasoning -- a vendetta, partisanship or both -- Comey and Guiliani unwittingly showed their hand.

Their crimes aside, and as disturbing as this all is, we can't ignore the bigger picture that just has come into focus.

Disgruntled New York FBI agents, Russian hackers and who knows who else, are intent on discrediting Clinton and finding a way -- by any surreptitious means possible -- to insert Trump as the next President of the United States.

The best we the people can do to keep an overtly crooked nut job out of the Oval Office, is to turn out in droves to vote for Clinton Tuesday.

We need to hope and pray for our country. And we to pay attention.

It's time for that "vigilant and knowledgeable citizenry" which President Dwight D. Eisenhower  called for more than 50 years ago, to awaken.

This may be our last chance.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Trump is the Real Fraud

Donald Trump has already won. A heightened sense of fear, paranoia, hatred, intolerance and anger pervades America.

Mission accomplished. His next exploitative venture -- a clownish news channel or some twisted reality show that features his scowling mug daily -- now has an enthusiastic, fired up fan base.

Do you really want this ruthless, arrogant, self-serving and divisive con man as our next president of these un-United States?

There's at least a light year of difference between Trump and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Clinton, who started her career with high ideals, got a little too close to Wall Street. But thanks largely to Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, former Democratic presidential candidate, Clinton has agreed to break up big banks, regulate Wall Street and fight for a desperately needed living wage.

Trump, whose number one goal has always been self enrichment, is America's most dangerous home-bred terrorist.

His weapons are fear and divisiveness, planted not so subtly in the hearts and minds of the disenchanted, subject to explode anytime. 

Fellow Christians actually contemplating a vote for Trump based on his professed pro-life claims, should seriously consider his flip flopping on the issue.

Really, on what basis can we trust anything Trump says? Additionally, would a majority Conservative supreme court actually overturn Roe vs. Wade? One hasn't yet.

A Conservative supreme court, however, most assuredly would endorse criminal decisions like Citizen's United that in effect help perpetuate a rigged system which enriches fat cats and penalizes the people.

Thankfully, the abortion rate is dropping. And yes, it needs to become exceedingly rare. But what about the 16 million children in this country who are living in poverty right now? Which presidential candidate is truly speaking for them?

Millions of children reportedly go to bed hungry each night. How can a child learn, let alone thrive with his or her stomach growling?

Trump is no outsider. He's a festering amalgamation of our lesser selves. The monstrous embodiment of everything ugly and ruinous about the Republican Party.

He's that twisted, contorted reflection staring back from the sideshow funhouse mirror.

A vote for Trump only endorses a long-standing conservative ideology that opposes a living wage, threatens families' assistance programs, while protecting corporate loopholes for the greedy.

Why should some Wal-mart employees, working for the richest corporation in America, be forced to survive on food stamps? 

All this blathering from Trump's camp about a rigged election is just more deflection and projection from the master illusionist.

Out of one billion votes cast since 2000 in America, just 36 cases of voter fraud have been discovered. It's virtually non-existent. 

Election (not voter) fraud is another matter. Electronic voting machines are easily manipulated absent legitimate oversight. (See reports alleging George W. Bush reportedly stole the pivotal swing state of Ohio in 2004.)

What should be really troubling to all Americans is not the tired, old exploited issue of Clinton's emails (Unless FBI Director James Comey found new evidence he should have kept his mouth shut), but Trump's demonstrative connections to Russian oligarchs and mobsters.

Where's all the hubbub over this?

Our intelligence agencies tells us Russia has hacked voter registration computers in more than 20 states in this country, as well as infiltrated Democratic Party emails.

Published reports suggest Russia has been trying to recruit Trump, whose foreign policy advisor Carter Page has serious business ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

A first grader could connect the dots. Trump, with Russia's help, plans to steal the election. If he fails, he's done the damage he desired and has a convenient excuse for losing.

If Comey can emerge from the shadows just over a week before election day to raise the specter of more Clinton email trouble, surely he can level with us about Trump's apparent treasonous ties -- before November 8.

Trump, through his "rigged election" claims, is, as usual, projecting the crimes of which he is guilty, onto his opponent.

That Trump pattern of deflection and projection has served the sideshow barker all too well.

But, to anyone paying attention, it should be all too clear that the only significant fraud in the 2016 presidential elections, is Donald J. Trump. 

Monday, October 31, 2016

What was Comey Thinking?

FBI Director James Comey owes Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton an apology and an explanation.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Deflector and Projector

Not much to say after the third and final predictably bizarre presidential debate.

Donald Trump is just a clown. Says nothing worth   responding to, while becoming increasingly desperate.

He just may not accept the final vote tally election day? We saw that coming.

All he does is deflect and project. That's his pattern with everything.

Hillary is the violent one. She is the nasty one. She is dishonest.

Bottom line: Everything he accuses Clinton of, he is actually mind-boggingly guilty.

Elections are rigged? Who has the demonstrative links to Russian oligarchs and crime figures?

 You know, the same Russia, the United States' enemy at present, which our intelligence says has hacked American Democratic National Committee emails and voter registrations in more than 20 states?

The only significant fraud threatening our presidential elections is Donald J. Trump.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Playboy To Choir Boy?

Suddenly, the lewd, groping billionaire playboy for president is a choir boy.

As Donald Trump's female accusers step forward and simply substantiate his own professed prowess as an uncontrollable, untouchable indecent assaulter of women, he changes his tune.

Now, we're supposed to believe suddenly that he's the victim.

Suddenly, Trump's self-described "locker room banter" caught off mic, about how he hounds married women and grabs women in anyway, anywhere, any time he wants, is flat out fiction.

Suddenly, he's outraged.
And these women are liars, part of a conspiracy to tarnish his campaign.

And his degrading sexist comments about women over the years, was simply a put on.

That's essentially what the indifferent, narcissist clown expects us all to believe.

With each passing day of Trump's deceptive, destructive, ugly presidential campaign, it becomes increasingly clear that he not only objectifies   women, but that he considers his own followers as little more than gullible, Reality TV fools.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Enemy Trump

This Trump-Russian email deal is big, but Trump's theatrics over Republican Party split is consuming the headlines.

If there is a final straw that exists and will doom his candidacy, the Russian connection is it.

In my mind there is absolutely no doubt that Donald Trump is working with the Russians. Period.

That makes him an enemy of the state. He needs to go -- to jail.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Trump Proves Himself Bully

Donald Trump, stalking, attacking Hillary Clinton with fraudulent claims, proved himself the unrepentant, harassing bully again Sunday night in the second presidential debate.

All the guy has is bluster.

Why does Trump consistently defend Russia, refuting U.S. intelligence findings that show Russia hacked DNC emails and is trying to influence the presidential elections?

He's done that in the past two debates.

It's troubling because it fits a pattern. Trump consistently accuses his opponents of the very infractions he's committed.

He's insinuated that Democrats plan to rig the election, while indications are that's exactly what he intends -- with Russian help.

Trump dismissing his disturbing comments about women as "locker room banter" in effect legitimizes it as okay -- as long as it's done inside the confines of the locker room.

He continues to lower American standards on a daily basis.

President Trump?

Monday, October 3, 2016

Philanthropic Business Genius?

Some philanthropic "genius" businessman Donald Trump proves to be.

The billionaire real estate mogul loses $960 million amidst 1995's strong economy.

And then, for as long as 20 years possibly, avoids paying into the public trust that funds the people's social security, Medicare, Medicaid and education.

On top of that, anytime one of his poor business decisions costs him, he cons Americans out of their services and money.

Yeah, he knows how to work the system. He better. Scores of his business investments have flopped. And he's filed for bankruptcy six times.

It's always been about Trump's own self enrichment.

His. Own. Self. Enrichment.

Not America's. Not the hundreds of Trump "University" students he ripped off.

Not the hundreds of Atlantic City contractors he short-changed.

Not the millions of Americans (disenchanted with establishment politics) he lies to and manipulates daily.

Not American industry workers he pretends to champion, while snubbing them to cut deals overseas.

It's about The Donald. It's always been about The Donald. Ever since he was a bratty, bully kid.

In fact, it's so much about the Donald, that he will do and say absolutely anything to make sure The Donald gets what he wants.

He'll even spend Trump Foundation money on non-charity expenses -- and seemingly get away with it.

And if you cross him, like a second grader, he'll mock you. You're in his way, he'll attack and accuse. He's caught in a lie, forget about it, he'll tell 10 more to deflect and distract.

Whatever it takes to make sure The Donald's angry, demanding inner child gets what he wants.

He's a winner, you know. Or as his father instilled in him a young boy -- a "killer."

So, knowing all that -- and that's pretty much just scratching the surface -- on what basis could anyone think Trump has Americans best interests at heart?

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Clinton Nearly TKO'd Trump

Finally, someone in the political arena exposed Donald The Bully as a phony for all the world to see.

Appropriately enough, it wasn't another loudmouth who effectively faced down the volatile Trump.

Rather, it was a thoughtful, smiling blonde woman in a red pants suit.

If Monday night's presidential debate was a boxing match, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton nearly scored a technical knockout.

Technically speaking, no, Clinton didn't quite lay out her opponent on the canvas.

But, by the bout's end, The Donald was wobbly on his feet and only saved by debate moderator/referee Lester Holt's bell.

The billionaire blabbermouth had nothing but bluster -- throwing wild roundabouts that a calm, calculating Clinton easily saw coming.

From the outset, Clinton was cool, focused, jabbing Trump, keeping him at a distance. 

She actually proved an accomplished counter puncher against Trump, a self-proclaimed accomplished counter puncher himself.

When the undisciplined, erratic Trump got frustrated and predictably came in swinging, Clinton merely sidestepped, and fired back admirably.

Early on, Trump lunged wildly at Clinton, trying to blame her for the job-stealing effects of NAFTA, passed during her husband's administration.

Clinton parried and countered. Talk about jobs. The real estate mogul left himself wide open.

Clinton landed some jarring body blows, excoriating Trump for stiffing countless Americans who worked for him, but were never paid.

Trump answered pathetically, implying that if he didn't pay a contractor for services, the job must have been subpar.

Clinton's counter rights would knock loose a little revealing truth from the braggadocious Donald over the course of the debate.

Under a Clinton barrage, the former secretary of state called Trump for cheering and profiting off the 2008 housing market crash. Trump coughed up: "That's called good business."

Clinton countered well to the end, showing herself a strong finisher and in doing so, diffusing Trump's cheap shot -- accusing Clinton of lacking stamina.

Clinton ducked and came up with a solid upper cut to Trump's vulnerable chin, rattling The Donald.

"As soon as he travels to 112 countries and negotiates a peace deal, and a cease fire, a release of dissidents, an opening of new opportunities in nations around the world, or even spends 11 hours testifying in front of a congressional committee, he can talk to me about stamina,” Clinton responded.

Trump attempted to respond, but came back weakly. Reaching into his limited vocabulary arsenal, he resorted to using the word "bad" five times.

Clinton pummeled Trump with the story of his apparent disparaging treatment of a Latina Miss Universe pageant winner years ago.

"She has become a U.S. citizen and you can bet she's going to vote this November," Clinton said, landing a straight right on Trump's cheek at the sound of Holt's bell.

In the debate, Trump shamelessly continued to flounder on racism, downplaying its reality, harping on "law and order" instead.

On the racial divide, Clinton was thoughtful, peppering Trump with stats on black inequality and scoring points.

Trump swung and missed when he claimed Clinton created ISIS.

The radical Islamic fundamentalist group formed out of al Qaeda in early 2004 in southern Iraq under President George W. Bush's watch.

Clinton landed a left hook solidly when she rightly said Trump claimed climate change was a hoax started by the Chinese.

Trump denied it. Fact checkers confirmed it. His campaign couldn't delete the tweet fast enough.

When Trump landed a glancing blow with mention of Clinton's deleted emails, she was unfazed and dished out credibly, harping on why Trump hasn't released his tax returns and speculating what he was hiding.

Trump unwittingly attempted to rally but indited himself as a tax evader, saying, "That makes me smart."

And Trump only left himself open to further suspicions by appearing to defend Russia as a suspect in hacking the Democratic Party's emails.

Clinton exposed Trump as a bully amateur, fair and square. 

The only thing the practiced illusionist has mastered is the low blow. He didn't belong in the same ring with Clinton.

Now, it's up to the American people to make the call.

The disparity between the two White House contenders will only increase through two more debates over the next several weeks.

Providing the people aren't fooled by Trump's vacuous grandstanding, come November 8, the decision should be unanimous in Clinton's favor.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Kennedy vs. Nixon All Over Again

Hillary crushed. Trump had nothing.

In the first presidential debate tonight, Donald Trump had little more than his twisted and contorted facial expressions, evidenced by the split screen, to answer Hillary Clinton's thoughtful, informed approach.

The split screen visual made all the difference. It was not unlike the more contrasted Jack Kennedy debating the dull, gray Richard Nixon in 1961.

Lester Holt was a very good moderator, like a good referee, not too intrusive.

The debate should go a long way towards clarifying the two candidates in the people's minds.

And by the way, why was The Donald sniffing so much?

And who is this 400-pound hacker sitting on his bed reacking havoc on American politics?

Let's find him. Bring him him in for questioning. Feed him some Chinese take out. Get some answers!

More later...

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Killed Just For Living in American Skin

And so blacks, it seems, continue to get "killed just for living in their American skin."

I listened to Bruce Springsteen sing "American Skin" just over a week ago live at Citizens Bank Park in Philly.

And now the words of the song have been playing in my mind for the past day or so since video of the Tulsa shooting was released and the subsequent police shooting and unrest in Charlotte.

There's no real words left to say. They've been said. As it's been written before, we're not going to get past this unless we all recognize this country's racial divide.

Donald Trump not only ignores the divide, but encourages it by focusing only on crime stats.

Racial tension will only fester and boil over into more violence until America owns up to its racist culture.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Trump The Chimp?

Donald Trump essentially is like a male chimp bucking for attention, lusting after power.

The answers are always out there. Often, closer than you think. And nature often provides.

And so we have Trump the chimp. Ever since Trump announced his bid for the presidency he's acted like a competitive male chimp.

Jane Goodall who lived among chimps explained recently how Trump's behavior mimics dominant male chimps competing for a leadership role.

In particular, Trump reminds her of Mike the chimp who made loud sounds, threw things, jumped up and down.

Unfortunately, it's often chimps like Mike, says Goodall, who act the most crazy, that eventually win the role of top chimp.

What's that say about Trump believers?

Sunday, September 11, 2016

PNAC And September 11, 2001

The Project for a New American Century, a conservative think tank, formed just before the turn of this 21st century with one thing on its mind.

World domination.

Of its 25 members, 10 ended up with jobs inside the Bush Administration.

PNAC members occupied the highest, most powerful positions, including vice president Dick Cheney, defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld, and deputy defense secretary Paul Wolfowitz.

The PNAC knew it wouldn't be easy for America to simply invade countries without a good reason.

"The process of transformation," the PNAC's plan stated, "is likely to be a long one absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event like a new Pearl Harbor."

September 11, 2001 the PNAC got what it wanted.

Do we have all the answers about America's darkest day?

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

P.T. Barnum Explains Donald Trump

One of this world's greatest master showman and illusionists, more than a century after his passing, sheds light on Donald Trump's dark appeal.

"The public appears disposed to be amused even when they are conscious of being deceived," said P.T. Barnum, whose legacy lives on through the Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus.

Burning question is, will Americans get their fill of this nightmarish Reality TV series, "The Donald," before the season finale lands a madman in the White House?

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Donald The Sensitive

It's touching, isn't it?

To watch a narcissistic, racist, demagogue reform overnight into a caring, civil rights-minded leader of the oppressed, reaching out to the black community because, well, dammit he just cares.

Or not.

Dr. Ben Carson should be ashamed at encouraging such posturing. It only hurts Christianity.

And Donald, The Actor, should be nominated for an Emmy for this latest bit of Reality TV.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

It's True, Katydid Did Come To Visit

On this particular sultry, late summer night, I'm surrounded by a symphony of nature's sound.

I step outside and into my backyard, pausing to listen. What is that strange call?

Not crickets. And not the Cicadas. Their soaring daytime serenades end come nightfall.

Small birds? Giant tree crickets? Bats? Do bats make calls like that?

The call sounded like a cross between a bird and a cricket. A new species?

New to me, anyway. I just moved into this Courthouse cottage a few months ago.

The stacatto song comes from every direction in the trees above, accentuating a constant chorus of crickets from the ground below.

Back inside the cottage, I suddenly hear one of the strange calls up close and personal. It seems to echo off the walls.

Where was it? More importantly, what was it? It's definitely loud.

Sounds like it's coming from the window. Not outside the window, but by the window, behind the blinds -- and inside the cottage.

"It" called out again, two piercing staccato calls, one right after the other.

I approach the blinds, again the thought surfacing that perhaps it's a bat? And as soon as I lift the blinds, the thing will come screaming for my neck.

No, I tell myself. It's probably just a baby bat. A cute, little, furry guy looking for his mama. He'll want to make friends.

I could name him Flappy. He could rest on my shoulder and we could watch TV together. This could be the start of a beautiful relationship.

I lift the blinds. Suddenly, I see him on the couch just below the air conditioner.

Not a baby bat. A green leaf-like insect, nearly 3 inches long, just looking up at me.

It resists climbing onto my finger, but doesn't run away -- or fly, or jump, or skip, or whatever it does for locomotion.

The creature climbs onto the air conditioner. And it calls out again a couple times, as if yelling to his pals outside, "Hey, get me outta here!"

So, I do my research. He's a Katydid, of which there are thousands of different species in the world.

More specifically, this fella is a True Katydid -- also known as a Bush Cricket, which seems fair since he's related to crickets and grasshoppers.

And it's his kin folks that are taking the instrumental lead in the symphony outside my open cottage door and window this summer night.

Katydids are rarely seen. Mostly heard. I feel privileged.

Now, a Giant Katydid can grow as big as a human hand, I see from the picture on my phone.

Katydids inhabit late summer and early fall nights from New Jersey down to Mississippi.

And they spend their summer nights pretty much like most earthly creatures of a certain age: they seek a mate.

But that's where the romantic similarities between the Bush Crickets and humans end.

The Katydids sing to each other by rubbing their forewings together and listen for a response with the ears on their front legs.

Not even in my brief time traveling with a small, one-ring circus that featured various sideshow attractions, did I ever encounter such an oddity.

In summers past, I'm sure I've heard the Katydids' distinct call, but just took it for granted as part of the summer night soundtrack.

Instead of Flappy, I go with Chirpy. Now, Chirpy is clinging to the ceiling in the kitchen. He's either hungry or has repositioned so he can see the TV better.

I figure it's the latter. As I settle down to watch Batman vs. Superman, my new pal starts with the shrill chirps again.

I glance at him. Do you mind? I ask. He's quiet.
Do you see any ears on my legs?

While he's looking and thinking, I resume watching the movie, glad to have the company.

Meet Chirpy.

Here's To Gene

It's always sad when a film icon dies. But I'm feeling a little emptier with the passing of comic genius Gene Wilder, who died at the age of 83 yesterday.

First off, I can't believe he was 83. The films he did 40 years ago or more are still so alive and hilarious today.

Young Frankenstein, the parody he wrote with Mel Brooks and starred in as the nephew of Dr. Frankenstein, is Wilder's greatest achievement.

So many laughs. So many great lines, scenes. "Walk this way.. You just made a yummy sound... Sedagive?! ... Hello handsome... "

That understated style got you every time.

Of course, his pairings with Richard Prior in movies -- Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Stir Crazy and Silver Streak were priceless.

So, here's to Gene who gave us so many laughs. He lives on in the art he left behind.

And we still have many more laughs to go.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Enemy Trump?

Anymore, it's clear that Donald Trump's original Oval Office ambitions were nothing more than a fantastical ego trip, filled with grand proclamations, to bolster his brand.

He never really wanted to be president. Not really. Sure, the way a first grader wants to be Superman, Trump was in love with the idea of being king of the world. But that's it. He didn't want to do the work.

Now, that he surprised everyone -- including himself -- by gaining the nomination, he's essentially winging it.

In the meantime, the self-styled "Law and Order" candidate, through his angry vitriol and childish personal attacks arguably has only fomented lawlessness and disorder on American streets.

Trump's shunning the "Black Lives Matter" movement, while showering all police officers with praise, only perpetuates the pain of bigotry, subverts justice and increases tensions between blacks and cops.

Trump's call in December for a Muslim ban in the U.S. arguably played right into the hands of Islamic terrorists and has unnecessarily burdened millions of American Muslims.

What impact has Trump had abroad? Is it a coincidence that the United Kingdom, after observing Trump's isolationist overtures for months on end voted in favor of exiting the European Union?

His call to build walls, his mocking assaults of anyone challenging his deluded assertions, his phony posturing and flat out buffoonery should disqualify him from American citizenship, let alone the presidency.

A multitude of troubling unanswered questions remain and circle like vultures over Trump's head, demanding answers.

What exactly is Trump's business interests in Russia?

And where does that $12 million off-the-books paper trail, linking Trump's former campaign manager Paul Manafort to pro-Russian politics lead?

And equally important, what sort of destructive notions are being planted in the psyche of our youth who have been exposed to the bullying, crude, creepy Trump traveling sideshow for the past year?

We can thank decades of ultra conservative-minded greed for spawning this mutated amalgamation of humanity's basest emotions: anger, resentment, fear and hatred.

A political party can't ideologically align itself so unabashedly with corporate America for so long while trampling Americans' rights, without dire consequences.

Trump is no outsider.

He's the twisted, contorted reflection of contemporary republicanism scowling back from the funhouse mirror.

Until the GOP lives up to this, the circus show will go on, selling out American values.

Now that Trump has begun getting intelligence briefings -- amidst his sporadic, bizarre outbursts and mounting questions about his Russian connections -- our nation's security is threatened in so many ways.

It's long past time Republican leaders, for the sake of this country, unitedly and formerly acted to rebuke Trump.

And it's about time Americans soberly consider that our country's most dangerous home-grown terrorist actually is the alarmist extraordinaire himself, Donald Trump.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Trump's Hypocrisy

If Donald Trump truly wants to weed out the bigots, hatemongers and state enemies from our country, the divisive presidential wannabe should start with himself.

Trump's call for an "ideological test" as part of his "extreme vetting" proposal to screen for potential incoming terrorists, only punctuates the absurdity of his campaign to win the White House.

"Those who support bigotry and hatred will not be admitted into the United States, "  said Trump on Monday.

The disturbing thing here isn't so much the bombastic billionaire's blatant hypocrisy,  but that he seems utterly oblivious to the hideous "bigotry and hatred" he has relentlessly spewed since announcing his bid for the White House last summer.

Trump's incessant, inflammatory racist rhetoric regarding Mexicans, Muslims and blacks is a matter of record. And there's no way to measure the damage done by his fear-mongering.

If "The Donald" were ever subject to his own super duper extreme vetting -- and he unquestionably should be -- he'd not only be banned from the country, but possibly charged with treason.

Said Trump on Monday: "We should only admit into this country those who share our values and respect our people."

Nice of the Reality TV star to defend the very American values he has so thoroughly trashed for the past year. But what's this "we" and "our" stuff?

Maybe Trump should actually start demonstrating those American values by respecting his fellow countrymen first, before demanding anyone, citizen or immigrant, do the same.

That's the least we should expect from someone running for the highest office in the highest office in the land.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

How is Trump Still in the Race?

What will it take for the Republican leadership to demonstrate their alleged love of country and finally can its increasingly volatile Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump?

Monday, August 1, 2016

Khan Trumps Fear-monger

Poor Donald. He's been "viciously attacked" by a thin bespectacled,  mild-mannered, soft-spoken Khizr Kahn. 

What is this world coming to? I can hear my late, great Aunt LaLa now, making that disapproving ticking sound with her tongue.

So appropriate. The supremely arrogant Trump gets taken down by a humble, God-fearing man.

I believe this will ultimately be the last straw, what leads to The Donald's eventual demise.

(Thought this was timely below to revisit in light of Trump's persistent antics. Published last December in The Gazette.)

As the alarm bells clang louder and louder inside Donald Trump's head and resound across this land, we'd do well to recall the quelling contributions of TV journalist Edward R. Murrow amidst the Red Scare of more than half a century ago.

"We will not walk in fear, one of another," asserted Murrow in a 1954 CBS TV broadcast calling out Senator Joseph McCarthy's Communist Party witch hunt, which was stirring fear and promoting paranoia throughout Cold War America.

"We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason if we dig deep in our history and our doctrine, and remember that we are not descended from fearful men," Murrow continued. "Not from men who feared to write, to speak and to associate and to defend the causes that were for the moment, unpopular."

If we were to listen to the increasingly "popular" disingenuous, hateful, fear-monger extraordinaire Donald Trump, who makes allusions to President Barrack Obama as a terrorist and incites fear of all Muslims at home and abroad, then of course, the real enemy, fear, wins. And unreason is free to run rampant.

The Republican presidential front runner's call on Monday to block all Muslims from entering the United States, has shades of the 1950's "McCarthyism" that Murrow confronted head on, exposing its alarmist widespread persecution of innocent law-abiding Americans.

Of course, America must be vigilant and take security measures against radicals the likes of the San Bernardino shooters from entering the country. The House bill passed Tuesday that bars travelers from Iraq, Syria, Iran and Sudan from entering the U.S. without visas, is a good step. But as usual, Trump’s mouth went too far.

As leaders everywhere, domestically and internationally -- from boxing legend Muhammad Ali to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu -- voice their disgust over Trump's bigoted declaration, Trump's approval numbers at home rose several points. And that's what's really scary.

Trump can say pretty much anything, as long as he says it in that outraged, snappy, trumped up, Donald kind of way. And a growing segment of the American living room masses will look at each other in amazement and nod their boggle heads in agreement.

Trump is what happens when a party consistently puts corporate welfare ahead of its constituents' well-being. In part, we can't blame the "make America great again" believers. But, sooner or later, they are going to have to wake up.

Of course, all this enflamed rhetoric from Trump and his fellow Republican presidential candidates over the terrorism threat and President Obama's perceived international failures, obscures the urgency to address America's long-standing murder by gun epidemic.

Whether this administration is doing enough to fight terrorism can be debated. Whether or not America needs stricter gun controls cannot.

An average of 36 people die daily and 30,000 yearly from gunfire in America. This year so far, there have been 353 mass shootings (three people or more shot), more than one for each day of the year.

Republicans' denial of urgently needed gun control measures -- like thorough universal background checks and assault weapon bans -- is criminal. Period.
You can't separate the two issues -- terrorism and guns. One too easily serves the other, as in the case of the San Bernardino terrorist attack.

Despite California's military assault weapon ban in 2000, designed to prevent the sale of high powered semi-automatic rifles like the AR-15 models used in the San Bernardino massacre, manufacturer's subsequent addition of a "bullet button" feature -- supposedly making the weapons less deadly -- was enough to allow the legal sale of those rifles.

Republicans failure just last week to expand background checks for gun purchases on line and also block persons on the FBI's terrorist watch list from purchasing guns, demonstrates the degree to which conservatives are owned by the NRA -- and are failing Americans.

By engaging in campaign bolstering theatrics while ignoring the gun dilemma, Trump, Tea Party presidential favorite Ted Cruz and all the rest of the posturing Republican presidential hopefuls continue to blur the truth of key social issues, and only aid and abet gun-toting killers.

(Kevin McKinney is a freelance writer living at the Jersey Shore.)